An introduction to etching

Course overview

Explore the intricate world of intaglio etching. Whether you’re a seasoned printmaker curious to explore a non-toxic approach or entirely fresh to the craft — these 6 workshop sessions will bring you up to date with the non-toxic methods of printmaking that lie at the heart of our practice. On completion of this course, you will be all set to confidently become one of our Open Access users.


Week 1 — Non-toxic plate preparation techniques

During your first session, you’ll be guided through the process of preparing your etching plate — filling, degreasing, coating and baking in order to ensure you create the best conditions for intricate line work.


Week 2 — Drawing and mark-making into hard ground, exploring the tools

Equipped with a range of tools such as etching needles, ball burnishers and solid scrapers, week two will focus on drawing and mark making into hard ground. By the end of this class, your plate will be ready to etch.


Week 3 — Etching, inking and printing

During this third session, you’ll be etching your copper plate through the process of dipping it into ferric chloride to allow your exposed lines to be bitten into. You’ll be taken through the techniques of inking, wiping and pulling a print. Through experimentation with various inks and cotton papers, you will be given the opportunity to discover the characteristics and atmosphere of your own drawing once translated into a Fine Art etching.


Week 4 —Drawing and mark-making into soft ground; exploring tone and texture

Week four will focus on drawing and mark making into soft ground. You’ll be guided through the process of working with soft ground and shall explore how different textures, marks and patterns can be created through the imprints of various objects.


Week 5 — etching, inking and printing; refining your plate

In your fifth class, you’ll focus on developing your print based on the outcomes of your past two sessions. You may choose to incorporate additional details, add or deepen tones, or introduce empty space in areas where your plate feels too busy. You’ll be guided through the steps to help you achieve these desired results. Through the fine-tuning of your plate, this class provides you the opportunity to further develop your knowledge, skills and understanding of the etching art form.


Week 6 — critique and feedback session

This final session will offer you the opportunity to pull a final print from the plate you’ve been developing over the past five classes. The final hour will be devoted to an informal viewing of each other's prints where feedback and open discussion in response will be encouraged amongst the group.

Course details

Duration: six sessions

Tuesdays, 6pm—9pm

23 September - 28th October

Open to participants of all skill levels, no prior experience required.

All necessary materials provided.

Number of participants: minimum 6, maximum 8


€400 per person

For prospective participants on no or low incomes we offer one place at cost price. Please email us directly should you wish to apply.